Cranes News


Cargotec, Konecranes Win EU Antitrust Approval for $5 Billion Merger

Feb 24, 2022

Cargotec and Konecranes on Thursday won EU antitrust clearance for their 4.5-billion-euro ($5 billion) deal to create a global leader in industrial machinery after agreeing to divest some businesses.The companies, which provide road and sea-cargo handling machinery and services to industries…

Port Houston Adds Three Neo-Panamax STS Cranes

Feb 10, 2022

Three new neo-Panamax STS cranes arrived at Port Houston’s Bayport Container Terminal just before 11 a.m. Tuesday. The ZPMC cranes were manufactured in Shanghai before traveling 15,904 nautical miles onboard the Zhen Hua 25, a large specialized heavy load carrier vessel…

Port of Felixstowe Orders 17 Automated RTG Cranes

Jan 26, 2022

The Port of Felixstowe, operated by Hutchison Ports, has ordered 17 Automated Rubber-Tired Gantry Cranes (ARTGs) from Konecranes. The order was booked in Q4 2021. The ARTGs will be delivered and commissioned in a project covering three phases starting in Q2 2023…

Heavy Lift: Liebherr logs a strong 2021; All-Electric Trend is "Clear"

Jan 26, 2022

Liebherr reports that it had a record year in 2021 in its maritime mobile harbor crane business, logging an order intake volume of 80+ new units, a record level for the company.Including additional sales of used units, Liebherr mobile harbor cranes were ordered from 31 different countries…

Port of Virginia Orders Three More Rail-mounted Gantry Cranes

Jan 19, 2022

The Port of Virginia in the USA has ordered three Konecranes Rail-Mounted Gantry (RMG) cranes for its Norfolk International Terminals (NIT) facility. The cranes will be delivered by the end of 2023.The order was booked in November 2021, and…

Cavotec Wins Container Crane Electrification Orders

Dec 22, 2021

Cavotec announced it has won two key orders for its motorized cable reel electrification systems for container cranes at major ports in China and the U.S. from crane manufacturer ZPMC. The total value of the two orders amounts to more than €1…

Four Post-Panamax Gantry Cranes Delivered to Port NOLA

Dec 10, 2021

Four new 100-foot-gauge container gantry cranes arrived at the Napoleon Avenue Container Terminal in the Port of New Orleans (Port NOLA) on Friday, the culmination of a more than 15,643-nautical mile journey from Shanghai, China.The $112 million investment…

MacGregor Unveils New Heavy Lift Crane

Dec 10, 2021

MacGregor has launched a new fully electrically driven heavy lift crane (HCE) as part of a drive to introduce more environmentally sustainable products and solutions.The HCE design—a result of combining MacGregor and NMF’s experience in the…

First Konecranes Gottwald Generation 6 Mobile Harbor Crane to Italy

Nov 30, 2021

Terminal San Giorgio S.r.l. (TSG) has ordered an eco-efficient Konecranes Gottwald ESP.8 Mobile Harbor Crane for its terminal in Genoa, Italy. Booked in November 2021, it is the very first Generation 6 crane to go to Italy. It will be delivered in June 2022…

Busan Box Terminal Orders Six Konecranes Sprinter Carriers

Nov 22, 2021

Busan New Container Terminal (BCNT) currently operates a fleet of 36 Konecranes Noell Sprinter Carriers and is ordering six more to support a growing business. Like their predecessors, the Sprinter Carriers on order will have a critical role…

Liebherr to Supply Automated Cranes to Oman's Port of Duqm

Nov 18, 2021

Liebherr Container Cranes Ltd. said it has secured a contract to supply shore container cranes (STS) and rubber tire gantry cranes (RTG) to the Port of Duqm. The order of four STS and twelve RTGs will be delivered to Oman in late 2022.The Port…

MacGregor Debuts Next-gen Electric Cargo Cranes

Nov 15, 2021

MacGregor introduces the next generation of variable frequency drive (VFD) electric cranes.To date, the company has delivered more than 500 electric cranes since 2007, with electric motor and drive system technology evolving significantly during this time…

Liebherr Sees Growing Demand for E-drive Mobile Harbor Cranes

Nov 01, 2021

Liebherr reports demand for its mobile harbor cranes with an e-drive has risen sharply in the 2021 sales year. Compared to 2019, the number of units equipped with an electric motor has even doubled.Liebherr has been offering a hybrid drive concept…

Lack of Signalman Led to Bulker Crane’s Contact with Grain Facility - NTSB

Oct 13, 2021

The absence of a dedicated signalman likely led to a bulk carrier’s crane striking a grain facility in Convent, La., in 2020, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) found.The contact occurred on November 11, while the bulk vessel GH…

LCT in Togo Orders Five RTG Cranes from Konecranes

Oct 08, 2021

Lomé Container Terminal (LCT) S.A. in Togo, West Africa, has ordered give more Konecranes rubber-tired gantry (RTG) cranes. The order was booked in June 2021 and the cranes will be delivered in the second half of 2022. Antoine Bosquet, VP Regional Sales EMEA…

Logistics News

Stena Line Urged to Stop Transporting Unweaned Calves

Stena Line Urged to Stop Transporting Unweaned Calves

Brunswick is Top US Port for Autos

Brunswick is Top US Port for Autos

Canaveral Port Supports US Space Program

Canaveral Port Supports US Space Program

Only One Bid, DEME, for Argentina River Dredge Contract

Only One Bid, DEME, for Argentina River Dredge Contract

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UK court rejects Russia's appeal over $60 billion lawsuit with former Yukos investors
Algeria offers up to 245,000 tons of corn plus 35,000 tons each of barley, soymeal and rye.
Bangladesh receives offers to purchase 50,000 T of rice in an auction, traders claim