U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood announced the appointment of seven members to the United States Merchant Marine Academy (USMMA) Advisory Board. The USMMA Advisory Board serves as an independent body whose purpose is to examine the course…
The United States Coast Guard is requesting applications from qualified candidates seeking consideration for appointment as public members to the Towing Safety Advisory Committee (TSAC). TSAC advises the Coast Guard on matters relating to shallow…
InterManager, the international trade association for the ship and crew management sector, has started the year by welcoming a new member.Ukrainian crew manager Alpha Navigation has been approved for Full Membership in what InterManager…
The UK Club has launched its “iPANDI” iPad based app to provide up to date underwriting information for members and their insurance brokers, even when on the move.The iPANDI app downloads underwriting data via the Club’s IT systems and presents it conveniently in both graphic and table formats…
The Canadian Ferry Operators Association (CFOA) announce its team to lead the organization into 2013.CFOA is a member-based organization representing Canadian ferry owners and operators across the country. Ferries are an integral part of Canadas transportation system…
A new European Union regulation gives passengers travelling by water improved rights to assistance in cases of cancelled or delayed departures.Passengers travelling by water are set to enjoy improved rights to assistance in cases of cancelled…
The Greek Section of the prestigious international Society of Naval Architects & Marine Engineers ( SNAME ) had an impressive participation in the October 2012 SNAME Annual Meeting in Providence, Rhode Island in USA. Ten of its members…
Move intended to increase efficiency under Solvency 2. The UK P&I Club has announced that it is reorganising its structure to establish UK Europe as the sole provider of direct insurance to UK Club members. By reducing the number of separately regulated insurers from two to one…
The Marine Well Containment Company (MWCC) announced today that its membership has grown to 10 members at the conclusion of the company’s formation period. The MWCC member companies are now Chevron, ConocoPhillips, ExxonMobil, Shell, BP, Apache…
On May 11, Transocean Ltd issued a statement in response to several reports that detail Transocean's (NYSE: RIG) (SIX: RIGN) treatment of crew members immediately following the April 20, 2010 explosion aboard the Deepwater Horizon, including…
Access to INTERTANKO's Terminal Vetting Database (TVD) is now available to those who are tanker owners/operators, terminal owners/operators, PSC authorities and others with a legitimate interest in improving safety, but who are not Members or Associate Members of the Association…
On Nov. 18, two members of the American Salvage Association (ASA) successfully pulled a grounded barge, La Princesa, off Sandbridge beach in Virginia Beach, Va. The barge had broken free from the tug Sentry and grounded on the beach near Little Island Pier in Virginia Beach…
The IMO issued a circular summarizing the reports it received during the first quarter of 2009 regarding acts of piracy and armed robbery against ships. Reports of 97 such acts (including 53 attempted attacks) were received during this period…
1846-USRC McLane ran aground while attempting to cross the bar of the River Alvarado during the Mexican War.2001- On October 15, 2001, President George W. Bush announced that a letter sent to Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle had anthrax in it…
Over 600 companies in 52 countries are now members of the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA). This news will be officially announced at a function being held at Offshore Europe on Thursday 10 September by the association, which represents offshore…