#WeatheringtheStorm: American Club, Eagle Ocean Video Salutes Seafarers

May 20, 2020

“Weathering the Storm” salutes heroes of the sea in turbulent times. Image: Clip from Weathering the Storm video.
“Weathering the Storm” salutes heroes of the sea in turbulent times. Image: Clip from Weathering the Storm video.

“Weathering the Storm” salutes heroes of the sea in turbulent times

The American Club and Eagle Ocean Marine (EOM) have produced a video entitled ‘Weathering the Storm’ which salutes the service of seafarers in these turbulent times as they seek to protect themselves in their vital work, at sea and in port, against the ravages of COVID-19.
The video can be accessed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVTBZ0v1w4Q

“As seafarers labor in their essential role of enabling global trade, they must now confront the perils of the present pandemic, such as isolation, with the same composure as that with which they traditionally confront the perils of the sea," said Joseph E.M. Hughes, Chairman & CEO Shipowners Claims Bureau, Inc., Managers for the American Club. "In this presentation we honor these heroes of the sea as they weather the storm during the COVID-19 crisis and continue with the vital role they play on the frontlines of the global economy.”

The video was compiled with the cooperation of crews currently serving on vessels owned by Members of the Club, those insured by EOM and other business partners.  

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