Green inland shipping event on 16 October 2019 showed the most innovative solutions in inland navigation at the CO2 neutral port of Brussels.
Brussels Minister for climate transition, environment, energy and participative democracy, Alain Maron, emphasized the important environmental benefits of inland shipping to reach global and European emission goals.
Five innovative vessels called at the port of Brussels to show technological solutions to cut CO2 and air emissions to a minimum to European decision makers and stakeholders. They include zero-emission technologies such as battery-electric, gas-electric, ultra clean biofuel drivetrains and hydrogen.
Inland waterway transport is known for its sustainable record. Moving forward to further improve its performance, it aims to reach an emission reduction of more than 50% by 2030 and to sail zero-emission by 2050 offering climate neutral and zero-pollution mobility.
Inland ports, as enablers of green logistics, are supporting this transition by rolling out alternative fuels infrastructure and market measures. As hubs, inland ports envision connecting climate friendly inland shipping with other sustainable transport modes and logistical solutions.
By doing so, the sector strives to substantially increase its share. Sustainable and innovative inland shipping will play a predominant role in smart and sustainable transport.
High-ranking representatives of the European Commission, Council and Parliament were guided around on the five vessels and could witness the innovative solutions in the sector. They took note of the significant modal shift potential of inland navigation and the sector’s ongoing work to reach the sustainability goals of the European Union.