Electronics News


GPS Jamming Affects Ship Navigation off Korean Coast

May 07, 2012

More than 120 ships reported malfunctions in electronic navigation systems to Korean Coastguard recently122 ships, including Coast Guard vessels and a passenger vessel, have reported malfunctions in their navigation systems since the apparent jamming of satellite signals by North Korea last week…

E-Navigation Alive & Well Says Maritime Authority

Apr 25, 2012

Danish Maritime Authority leads development of electronic navigation frameworkWith the conclusion of the EfficienSea project in early 2012, one might fear that work on e-Navigation would become homeless. But fortunately that is not the case…

Nautical Charts – NOAA Testing QR Code Effectiveness

Apr 20, 2012

OceanGrafix inform that NOAA QR codes are now available on 8 US nautical chartsOceanGrafix, the exclusive provider of NOAA print-on-demand (POD) nautical charts for U.S. waters, announce that QR codes are now available on eight NOAA charts for the Tampa Bay…

Ocean-going Robots – NASA Looks to Future

Apr 01, 2012

NASA speaker to examine the future application of robots for ocean research & data collectionWhat happens when Silicon Valley meets marine science?  You have a robot that can operate independently for years at sea.Bill Vass, CEO of Liquid…

New McMurdo Smartfind S10 AIS Beacon

Feb 07, 2012

When manually activated, the Smartfind S10 uses AIS and GPS technology to give precise location information to aid the recovery of people in difficulty at sea.Waterproof to 60 meters, buoyant and compact, this unique device can make all the difference in a localized search situation…

Unique Maritime adds Kongsberg to Inventory

Feb 06, 2012

Unique Maritime Group Adds the  Kongsberg cNODE family of transponders to its Rental fleet.Unique Maritime Group has announced the introduction of the Kongsberg cNODE family of transponders to their  rental pool inventory. The cNODE transponders…

Engineers to Meet to Discuss Electric Installations on Ships

Jan 30, 2012

Engineers to meet Feb 8-9 on updating standard for electric installations on ships The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) is updating the IEEE 45 standard for electrical installations on ships.  This is a big undertaking…

Koden Introduces Black Box Radar

Nov 15, 2011

MDC-2500BB Series black box radar provides advanced performance with display flexibility. Professional Grade Features and Functionality Designed For Large Yachts, Workboats and Commercial Fishing Vessels With Owner-Supplied Displays. SI…

Alewijnse installs its 1000th Inland AIS

Sep 13, 2011

A significant milestone was passed recently when Alewijnse Marine Systems recorded the 1000th installation of an AIS (automatic identification system) transponder on board an inland vessel based in the Netherlands. A new regulation has recently…

Sims Recycling Solutions is First to be TAPA Certified

Sep 12, 2011

Sims Recycling Solutions, the world’s largest electronics recycler receives their Transported Asset Protection Association (TAPA) certification at their first facility in Roseville, CA. TAPA is an international Association that implements security…

JRC Delivers 15,000th Tornado Radar

Aug 30, 2011

Japan Radio Co., Ltd. (JRC) delivered its 15,000th Tornado radar from the Mitaka factory in Tokyo, Japan. Found in the JMA-5200 through to the JMA-9100 series, this new capability allowed the radars to perform the complex tasks associated with the company’s other in-house developed technologies…

OMM Launches New Business

Jul 05, 2011

Offshore Marine Management (OMM) has launched a new survey and subsea business this week, which will focus on surveying, cable and structural subsea inspection and subsea engineering. Recently appointed Director of Survey and Subsea, Arron Burrows…

ORBIT Communications Sytems Appoints Rizzo

Jun 15, 2011

ORBIT Communication Systems, Ltd., a subsidiary of Orbit Technologies Ltd. (TASE:ORBI), today announced that it has recruited Dr. Carlo Rizzo to head its Telemetry and Earth Observation business operations in Europe. A seasoned industry expert…

BAE Systems Delivers DCGS-N to Two U.S. Navy Ships

Apr 11, 2011

NATIONAL HARBOR, Md. – Today at the Navy League Sea Air Space Exposition, BAE Systems announced it has delivered two production units of the U.S. Navy’s primary shipboard intelligence system for U.S. naval forces, providing significantly greater intelligence…

Easier Access to Electronic Charts

Feb 04, 2010

ENCs from Primar can now be downloaded directly to an electronic chart display and information system (ECDIS) after type-approval of the first such unit able to communicate with the internet.Certified by Det Norske Veritas, the new ECDIS…

Logistics News

Stena Line Urged to Stop Transporting Unweaned Calves

Stena Line Urged to Stop Transporting Unweaned Calves

Brunswick is Top US Port for Autos

Brunswick is Top US Port for Autos

Canaveral Port Supports US Space Program

Canaveral Port Supports US Space Program

Only One Bid, DEME, for Argentina River Dredge Contract

Only One Bid, DEME, for Argentina River Dredge Contract

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Heathrow Airport in the UK pushes forward with new runway plans
First time in nearly a year, transits through the Panama Canal dropped in January
Williams beats fourth-quarter profit estimates on acquisition gains, raises dividend