Precise Consultants, a hydrographic consultancy based in London, announced it will offer professional indemnity (PI) insurance to freelance personnel, a service that will provide a policy that seeks to protect offshore professionals against potentially damaging claims.
PI is used to cover legal costs and expenses that can be incurred defending a case brought against an individual accused of professional negligence. Possessing this type of liability cover can be vital in guarding a freelancer’s financial interests. In certain geographies, such as the Unite States, having PI cover can also protect against costs that accrue even where cases are successfully defended.
“As business culture grows more litigious, we have a duty of care to our freelancers,” said Adam Sumner, cofounder of Precise Consultants. “Offering hydrographic personnel access to PI coverage meets a key insurance need in the offshore community.”
“We are aware of how PI has evolved into a crucial part of the broader insurance landscape for freelancers. Indeed, it can be the case that having PI coverage is a pre-requisite prior to the signing of a contract with an employer.”
“At Precise Consultants we work in support of our freelancers in all aspects of their working lives. We feel that PI insurance provides further peace of mind for offshore professionals, giving them the confidence they need to work freely wherever they may be in the world.”
Precise Consultants formed in 2013. Working out of a London base, they supply offshore hydrographic personnel to clients worldwide.