Port of Kiel: Ostuferhafen Access Area Restructured

September 18, 2018

Ostuferhafen Access Area / Photo: PORT OF KIEL
Ostuferhafen Access Area / Photo: PORT OF KIEL

The Port of Kiel has begun the partial demolition of a former grain storage facility as part of a plan to completely restructure the access area to the Ostuferhafen. 

The demolition along with the integration of adjacent areas will free up 2.8 hectares in the port access area on which expanded hard standing space can be created for trucks, trailers and cars. So far, separated pre stowage sectors can now be combined outside the ISPS-zone.

Dr. Dirk Claus, Managing Director of the Port of Kiel (SEEHAFEN KIEL GmbH & Co. KG), said, “Cargo handling in the Ostuferhafen has increased in the last few years. The new access area will mean we can optimize logistics, accommodate the needs of forwarders for more space and handle more cruise shipping passengers.”

A sum of €7.25 million overall is being invested in the project and funding from the federal state of Schleswig-Holstein has been applied for. The restructuring of the port access area involves the demolition of some 13,000 m² of warehousing as well as structural engineering, road works, drainage, lighting and the securing of the site. Access to the Ostuferhafen is guaranteed to remain unimpeded throughout the whole of the reconstruction period, which will last until the spring of next year, the port said.

The Port of Kiel acquired the storage facilities and site of the former Getreide AG in 2016. The Warehouses 31 to 33 will continue to be used to store forestry products while Warehouses 34 to 36 are being taken down as part of the restructuring of the port access area. The Bodo Freimuth enterprise group has been commissioned to carry out the demolition work. It has already set up site facilities and is using heavy equipment to demolish the reinforced concrete structures. The three warehouses being demolished, along with their foundations will be cleared by the end of November. Demolition materials such as reinforced concrete structures, metals and insulation materials will be separated, sorted and either recycled or responsibly disposed of. Concrete is being broken up in an on-site  crushing plant and then re-used. To minimize noise and dust emissions, the demolition site is being sprinkled with water and works takes place only during the day time. Parallel to the demolition, the area is being probed for unexploded wartime ordnance. In a further step, tenders for the carrying out of structural engineering and road works are being invited from October.

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