The latest offering Anglo-Eastern, from the Hong Kong-based ship manager, is an educational gaming app aimed at reducing shipboard deficiencies.Launched during Hong Kong Maritime Week, “Vessel Inspector” is a gaming app that encourages players…
German shipping company Rhenus-Arkon-Shipinvest has placed orders for the first four environmentally-friendly vessels known as Hanse Eco Short Sea Coasters.The short sea bulkers are expected to be delivered during the second half of 2021, with…
Bermuda-based global shipping company Team Tankers International finalized the sale of the last two of its five older medium range (MR) tankers.Team Tankers has managed to free up a funds for new investments after divesting MR tankers, said CEO Hans Feringa…
Wärtsilä and Singapore-based PSA Marine have agreed to collaborate in the co-creation of smart technologies for the marine sector. The focus will be on solutions that are human-centric and deployable. The Letter of Intent was signed on November…
Dutch shipbuilding conglomerate Damen Shipyards Group, in collaboration with the compatriot high tech company Delft Dynamics and Next Ocean, has trialed a new approach to Search and Rescue (SAR) in the North Sea.The collaboration involved qualification…
Product tanker freight rates softened in the third quarter of 2019 but rebounded strongly at the start of the fourth quarter following an increase in crude tanker rates that began after the attacks on Saudi Arabian oil facilities and accelerated…
The U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) announced that two new Fast Response Cutters (FRCs) will be named in honor of Coast Guard reservists who served in the New York City Police Department and New York City Fire Department and lost their lives responding on 9/11…
Japanese utility Toho Gas and shipping company Mitsui OSK Lines (MOL) carried out a demonstration test to supply liquified natural gas (LNG) to the to the tugboat Ishin at the Japanese port of Nagoya.This marked the first LNG bunkering in the Port of Nagoya…
In September 2019, in a milestone agreement, Namdock concluded a contract to maintain and repair the vessels of the Marinha de Guerra Angolana (MGA), the Angolan Navy.According to Namdock’s Commercial and Operations Manager, Willie Esterhuyse…
Inland shipping vessel Sendo Liner, built by Concordia Damen shipyard in Netherlands, has won the KNVTS Ship of the Year 2019 Maritime Award.The award jury highlighted the vessel’s ‘future-proof’ propulsion configuration (diesel-electric supplemented…
Navios Maritime Acquisition Corporation, the provider of transportation of petroleum products (clean and dirty) and bulk liquid chemicals, announced that its fleet consisted of a total of 41 vessels as of November 7, 2019.The owner and operator of tanker vessels said that out of 41 vessels…
Diana Shipping announced that it has signed through a separate wholly-owned subsidiary, a Memorandum of Agreement to sell to an unaffiliated third party, the 2005-built vessel “Clio”.The global shipping company specializing in the ownership…
Scorpio Tankers, the international provider in the transportation for refined petroleum products, announced that it has completed acquisition of the leasehold interests in 19 product tankers.The Monaco-headquarters acquired subsidiaries of Trafigura…
Kooiman Marine Group has obtained a contract from the Port of Antwerp to design and build 2 aluminium patrol vessels. In ordering the hybrid enforcement vessels, the Port of Antwerp is emphasizing the port’s sustainability and safety ambitions…
GasLog, an international owner, operator and manager of liquefied natural gas (LNG) carriers, is predicting a tighter LNG shipping market, as increasing United States LNG output combines with a seasonal uptick in demand for gas, resulting in…