1867 - Captain William Reynolds of Lackawanna raises U.S. flag over Midway Island and took formal possession of these islands for the U.S.
1942 - 120 women, commissioned directly as ENS or LTJG, reported to "USS Northampton," Smith College for training.
1952 - Units on USS Boxer (CV-21) launch explosive-filled drone which explodes against railroad bridge near Hungnam, Korea. First guided missile launched from ship during Korean Conflict.
1965 - CDR Scott Carpenter and 9 aquanauts enter SeaLab II, 205 ft. below Southern California's waters to conduct underwater living and working tests
1991 - A helicopter from USS America (CV-66) rescues 3 civilian sailors who spent 10 days in a lifeboat 80 miles off Capt May, NJ after their sailboat capsized.
1992 - Navy and Marine forces begin providing disaster relief after Typhoon Omar hit Guam
1992 - Marines and Army forces begin providing disaster relief in Florida after Hurricane Andrew.
(Source: Navy News Service)