In March 2020 the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME) announced the awarding of the status of Fellow to Hans Muhlert of Robert Allan Ltd. This significant distinction is: “Accorded exclusively to individuals who have made outstanding personal contributions to naval architecture…
MAN Energy Solutions has won the order to supply six MAN B&W 9S50ME-C9.6 Tier II-compliant main engines for three 238-meter roll-on/roll-off (RoRo) vessels intended for operation in the Baltic Sea. The customer is Finnlines PLC., the Finnish shipping company and part of the Grimaldi Group…
James “Jim” Kline, USCG (Ret)., has joined Martin, Ottaway, van Hemmen & Dolan, Inc. as an engineering and surveying consultant.Martin, Ottaway, van Hemmen & Dolan, Inc. is a New York area maritime consulting firm that has been in continuous operation since 1875…
Elliott Bay Design Group is a well-known, long tenured Seattle-based naval architecture and marine engineering firm.We checked in with John Waterhouse, Chief Concept Engineer at EBDG, for insights on some of the design elements on the new Staten Island Ferries…
C-Job Naval Architects is set to open an office this spring in Athens, Greece. C-Job veteran Nikos Papapanagiotou will take on the role of General Manager and will lead the new office in Athens. He said, 'C-Job has seen significant growth over…
Buck Younger, Vice President of Engineering with VT Halter Marine, was named the Marine Engineer/Naval Architect of the Year by the Mobile Area Council of Engineers (MACE). VT Halter Marine, Inc. (VT Halter Marine), is a company of ST Engineering North America…
From racing scows on the inland lakes of Minnesota to graduating from the United States Merchant Marine Academy to taking the helm of Glosten, Morgan Fanberg has led a ‘maritime life.’ We caught up with Fanberg in his Seattle office to discuss the path ahead for one of the U…
Naval architect and marine engineering company Foreship plans to establish a new business entity in Germany, targeting January 1, 2020 as the launch date for Foreship GmbH.The move is designed to forge closer ties with German owners, shipyards…
Huntington Ingalls Industries announced that the Society of Naval Architect and Marine Engineers (SNAME) awarded HII President and CEO Mike Petters the 2019 Vice Admiral Emory S. “Jerry” Land Medal. Petters received the Land Medal on Thursday during the Annual SNAME Banquet…
Born at the University of Michigan in the early 1990s, Bristol Harbor Group (BHG) has grown into a diverse and widely respected naval architecture and marine engineering firm. Cory Wood, Vice President and one of the four co-founders of BHG…
The first ULSTEIN X-BOW polar cruise vessel, ‘Greg Mortimer’ is about to set off for her first Antarctica expedition, and will cross the notorious Drake Passage on November 1. The X-BOW feature reduces the slamming in head seas. This was proven on the vessel’s transit from China to Argentina…
Crowley Maritime Corp. has awarded Thomas B. Crowley Sr. Memorial Scholarships to two seniors attending Webb Institute, a four-year college specializing in naval architecture and marine engineering.In making the award, the Webb scholarship selection committee honored Louis Bock of Pipersville…
At one time the most powerful lighthouse in the United States was Twin Lights in Highlands New Jersey. Today it is a wonderful little museum and right now it has a very interesting show of paintings by Maarten Platje on the War of 1812. One…
Hindsight, they say is 20/20, and in this regard renowned design house Gibbs & Cox has nine decades in the rear view mirror on which to lean. We recently caught up with Chris Deegan, President and CEO of Gibbs & Cox, celebrating its 90th anniversary in 2019…
Born and raised on the water by entrepreneurial parents, Basjan Faber knew from a young age that his future and fate was in maritime, specifically ship design. Today the CEO leads a vibrant, diverse and fast-growing naval architecture firm that he co-founded with partners in 2007…