Naval Architects News


Interview: Cory Wood, VP, Bristol Harbor Group

Oct 31, 2019

Born at the University of Michigan in the early 1990s, Bristol Harbor Group (BHG) has grown into a diverse and widely respected naval architecture and marine engineering firm. Cory Wood, Vice President and one of the four co-founders of BHG, discusses the companies past and design drivers to power its future.The University of Michigan runs one of the most prestigious naval architecture and marine engineering programs in the country…

Rapid Charging Systems: Current Technology for the Future of Ferries

Aug 11, 2023

As the devotion to more sustainable shipping expands and regulations become more stringent, the demand for lower emissions operations continues to increase. As a result, the marine industry is confronted with the challenge of large-scale electrification as an alternative energy solution…

Majestic Fast Ferry Welcomes Trio of Vessels

Mar 27, 2023

Singapore’s Majestic Fast Ferry Pte has welcomed the arrival of three new Incat Crowther-designed passenger ferries: Majestic Peace, Majestic Spirit and Majestic Flair are the first of a fleet of nine Generation 2 Incat Crowther 39s vessels to be added to Majestic’s fleet…

Iconic 27-ton 'Floating Head' finds itself Back in the Water

Sep 19, 2021

AMS Global helped out in a most unusual project for the marine consulting and safety firm, helping to return The Floating Head back to the water,  33 years after it was first created.The Floating Head, a sculpture created by artist Richard Groom…

Addressing the New IMO Guidelines for Second Generation Intact Stability

Nov 12, 2020

The common perception of intact stability has remained largely unchanged over the last few decades, where a vessel’s stability is evaluated using classical and static means: limits on righting arms, residual areas, and determining maximal VCG (or minimal GM) composite curves…

Eye on Maritime Design: Better Ferries by (EBDG) Design

Mar 20, 2020

Elliott Bay Design Group is a well-known, long tenured Seattle-based naval architecture and marine engineering firm.We checked in with John Waterhouse, Chief Concept Engineer at EBDG, for insights on some of the design elements on the new Staten Island Ferries…

C-Job Naval Architects Appoints Gitte, Verweij

Aug 26, 2019

C-Job Naval Architects said that Mario Gitte has been appointed Vice President Engineering and Edward Verweij has been named Vice President Sales. Together they will be the executive management team that will run the company’s new branch office in Houston…

Gibbs & Cox Names VADM DeRenzi to BoD

Jul 02, 2019

Gibbs & Cox announced the appointment of Vice Admiral Nanette DeRenzi to their Board of Directors.   Vice Admiral Nanette DeRenzi retired from the Navy in 2015. She was the 42nd Judge Advocate General (JAG) of the Navy, serving as principal…

Logistics News

Stena Line Urged to Stop Transporting Unweaned Calves

Stena Line Urged to Stop Transporting Unweaned Calves

Brunswick is Top US Port for Autos

Brunswick is Top US Port for Autos

Canaveral Port Supports US Space Program

Canaveral Port Supports US Space Program

Only One Bid, DEME, for Argentina River Dredge Contract

Only One Bid, DEME, for Argentina River Dredge Contract

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Algeria purchases milling wheat at tender, traders claim
Algeria is likely to buy between 360,000 and 400,000 tonnes of milling wheat from traders
Saudi Arabia is expected to purchase 595,000 tonnes of wheat from traders