Shipping directly employs over 640,000 workers at sea and on shore, and supports over 1.4 million workers through indirect and induced employment, said European Community Shipowners' Associations (ECSA).These professionals possess a wealth of maritime knowledge…
Diana Shipping announced the appointment of Ms. Semiramis Paliou to the office of Deputy Chief Executive Officer, effective immediately.Ms. Paliou has served as a director of the Company since 2015 and as Chief Operating Officer since 2018, and will continue to serve in these roles…
The International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) has established its latest Contacts Network, covering Bangladesh, Cambodia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands and Thailand.ITF has seen a significant increase…
The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD) has announced the appointment of Ingrid Solvberg as Director for the Norwegian Sea and Barents Sea, replacing Bente Nyland.According to a note from NPD, Sølvberg was appointed by the King in Council on 11 October…
Effective January 1, 2020, Dennis Lenthe Olesen, currently Global Head of Operations at APM Terminals, will assume the role of Managing Director for APM Terminals Nordics.This joint management structure will enable APM Terminals Aarhus and Gothenburg…
Konecranes, which specialises in the manufacture and service of cranes and lifting equipment, has appointed a new president and CEO, Rob Smith, who will take over his new role as of February 1, 2020.As of today, the Finnish company's CFO, Teo Ottola…
The maritime classification society American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) celebrated International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) World Maritime Day with a month of activity putting women in the spotlight to inspire current employees as well as future generations of mariners…
International Maritime Organization (IMO), with support from Malaysia, has given fresh impetus to an important regional network helping to promote women in the maritime community in Latin America.At a meeting in Colombia, (18-20 September 2019)…
'Shipping must draw talent from every corner of the globe and every sector of the population to ensure its own sustainability.'This was a key message from IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim, in his opening remarks to the 2019 IMO World Maritime Day Parallel Event (15-18 September)…
Cosco-owned Hong Kong containerline Orient Overseas (International) Limited (OOIL) said its chief executive Huang Xiaowen has resigned and Wang Haimin will succeed him.Executive director Zhang Wei has also resigned. OOIL said Huang and Zhang resigned due to 'work commitments…
Cosco Shipping Ports (CSP), the biggest terminal operator in the world, has appointed Feng Boming as its new chairman, replacing Zhang Wei who has quit the position.Feng Boming, a non-executive Director of the Company, has been re-designated…
International Maritime Organization (IMO)’s World Maritime theme for 2019 – “Empowering women in the Maritime Community” has featured prominently in events at the London International Shipping Week (9-13 September).A seminar co-hosted by Inmarsat…
Associated British Ports (ABP), the UK's largest port operator, teamed up with the Women in International Shipping and Trade Association (WISTA UK) to organize a reception to promote the ongoing effort to drive gender diversity across the maritime industry…
Dr. Ricaurte Vásquez Morales was sworn-in during a ceremony held at the Panama Canal Administration Building in Panama City, becoming the fourth Panamanian Administrator of the waterway shortly before it celebrates its 20th year under Panamanian administration on December 31…
The International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH) appointed Dr. Masahiko Furuichi as IAPH Secretary General, succeeding Mr. Susumu Naruse, as of 1 September. He has officially taken office.Dr. Masahiko Furuichi is not new to IAPH. Since 2006…