The American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA) identified nearly $4 billion in crucial port and supply chain security needs over the next 10 years.That funding level is what’s needed to maintain and upgrade America’s port facilities and…
British manufacturer of marine safety and survival equipments Survitec has received DNV GL Z-17 certification as a class-approved service provider for all DNV-GL classed vessels operating various brands of safety and survival equipment, including lifeboats…
Piracy increased on the world’s seas in 2018, with a marked rise in attacks against ships and crews around West Africa, the International Chamber of Commerce’s International Maritime Bureau’s (IMB) latest annual piracy report reveals.Worldwide…
The International Maritime Organization (IMO) Secretary-General Kitack Lim has highlighted the need to consider seafarer training and standards as shipping evolves, with increasing levels of technology and automation.Speaking at IMO Headquarters…
The largest port in Europe, the Port of Rotterdam29,475 sea-going vessels arrived at the port in 2018, which is 200 fewer than last year (29,646) and as many as in 2013 (29,436).The number of accidents fell from 129 to 118 on approximately a million shipping movements (maritime and inland shipping)…
The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) has stepped up its safety checks and measures under the ambit of the Safety@Sea Singapore Campaign.'With the onset of the Northeast Monsoon season, which may prevail up to March 2019, occurrences of moderate to heavy thunder storms…
Ms. Maja Markovčić Kostelac is taking over as new executive director of the European Maritime Safety Authority's (EMSA).The European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO) has issued a statement congratulating Kostelac, for taking over.Ms Markovčić Kostelac…
Simulation exercises are proving to be a valuable tool to assist countries and port authorities to prepare for a wide range of potential threats and security situations.According to a press release, an interactive port facility/port security officer workshop in Panama City…
Eastern European country Ukraine has acceded to an important International Maritime Organization (IMO) ship safety treaty – the 1988 Protocol relating to the International Convention on Load Lines.Limitations on the draught to which a ship may…
The Port of Rotterdam said that it aims to become an international frontrunner in the decarbonization of maritime transport and has the ambition to improve the efficiency of port services and stimulate sustainable maritime shipping through facilitating the most promising digital innovations…