Auv News


"An Epic Mission": Slocum Glider "Silbo" Circumnavigates the Atlantic Ocean

Jul 16, 2020

Teledyne Marine reports that its Slocum G2 Glider dubbed Silbo, manufactured by Teledyne Webb Research, completed a 4+-year journey that circumnavigated the Atlantic Ocean in four legs, a first for an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV).“Born out of Dr. Rick Spinrad’s challenge to build a robot that can cross the Atlantic, these long-endurance oceanic scale basin crossings with little yellow submarines are becoming more and more routine…

One-on-One with Duane Fotheringham, President, Unmanned Systems, HII

May 15, 2020

Hydroid, a familiar name in the Unmanned Underwater System defense market, was bought this year by Huntington Ingalls Industries (HII). We checked in with Duane Fotheringham, President, Unmanned Systems, HII, for insights on the path forward for autonomy in the defense sector…

Ocean Infinity’s Hunt for the Submarine San Juan

Mar 22, 2020

The search for the Argentinian submarine was like hunting for the proverbial needle in a hay stack, except that it was a piece of straw. Elaine Maslin reports. At 7.19am, local time, on November 15, 2017, the last message was received from the San Juan submarine…

A SmallSat AUV Network

Mar 28, 2019

There’s more to a global network than satellite links, and yet sat-linked remote operations experts can heap huge scientific and technological gains on the world. That’s what’s happening in the background — a smallish network of the best scientists…

Logistics News

Stena Line Urged to Stop Transporting Unweaned Calves

Stena Line Urged to Stop Transporting Unweaned Calves

Brunswick is Top US Port for Autos

Brunswick is Top US Port for Autos

Canaveral Port Supports US Space Program

Canaveral Port Supports US Space Program

Only One Bid, DEME, for Argentina River Dredge Contract

Only One Bid, DEME, for Argentina River Dredge Contract

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Panama's vessel registry claims that it is not a place for sanction evasion
Algeria offers up to 245,000 tons of corn plus 35,000 tons each of barley, soymeal and rye.
Williams beats fourth-quarter profit estimates on acquisition gains, raises dividend