Interviews News

Parched Argentine River Cuts Into Grains Exports

Jul 15, 2021

Ships leaving the Argentine agricultural ports hub of Rosario on the Parana River are having to reduce cargos by thousands of tonnes due to low water levels, the local head of logistics said on Wednesday, amid growing environmental concerns…

VIDEO: Five Minutes with Baba Devani, CEO Marine, Survitec

May 28, 2021

As Survitec continues to grow with the recent acquisition of Hansen Protection, Baba Devani, CEO Marine, discusses the strategic important of the acquisition to the overall strategy of Survitec as well as the path ahead.Baba, to start, can you…

Strong Offshore Wind Lifts U.S. Maritime, Port, and Logistics Companies

Mar 08, 2021

After several false starts, 2021 is the year when the U.S. offshore wind industry begins to realize its potential. This is according to Philip Lewis, Director of Research, World Energy Reports (WER).In an interview with Maritime Reporter TV's Greg Trauthwein…

US Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao to Resign

Jan 07, 2021

U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao said Thursday she would resign, citing the intrusion of the U.S. Capitol by violent supporters of U.S. President Donald Trump.Chao, the wife of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, is the first Cabinet secretary to announce her departure after the events…

Cruising Pause Has Major Impact on Florida's Economy

Sep 23, 2020

The cruise industry has certainly been among businesses hardest hit by the economic impacts of COVID-19. But the industry-rocking fallout extends well beyond the cruise lines themselves, extending through cities throughout Florida where canceled…

Cruise Shipping's Return: Genting Cruise Lines Gears Up for July 26 Sailing

Jul 17, 2020

Genting Cruise Lines said it will be the first international cruise company to restart operations with the deployment of Dream Cruises’ Explorer Dream to Taiwan, where it will begin “Taiwan Island-Hopping” itineraries on July 26 2020.Upon the ship’s arrival in Keelung on June 40…

Interview: Takeshi Okamoto, ClassNK

May 27, 2020

As COVID-19 and a historically weak energy market wreaks havoc on maritime, Takeshi Okamoto, Corporate Officer and General Manager of Public Relations Team, ClassNK, tells Maritime Reporter & Engineering News in its May 2020 edition that the…

White House: Tariff May be Removed if Trade Deal Reached

Nov 08, 2019

Tariffs could be lifted amid the U.S.-China trade deal if an agreement is reached, a White House spokeswoman said on Friday, citing optimism about a final pact but giving no further details.'We're very optimistic for some kind of a deal, and…

Phase One Trade Deal with China in 'Good Shape'

Nov 01, 2019

The initial 'phase one' trade pact with China appears to be in good shape and is likely to be signed around mid-November, although a finite date is still in question, U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said on Friday.'We're pretty comfortable that the phase one is in good shape…

White House Points to November for U.S-China Deal

Oct 18, 2019

White House trade adviser Peter Navarro on Friday pointed to next month's Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum in Chile as the Trump administration seeks to formalize its 'phase one' trade pact with China.'We're on the glide path to Chile and the meeting of the two presidents mid-November…

VT Halter, Q-LNG Name First LNG ATB

Oct 01, 2019

VT Halter Marine, Inc., a ST Engineering North America company, held a vessel naming ceremony for America’s first offshore Liquefied Natural Gas Articulated Tug and Barge (LNG ATB) unit.The Q-LNG 4000 (barge) and the Q-Ocean Services (tug) were officially named in a ceremony that included U…

Mnuchin: US, Chinese Call Could Produce 'in-person' Talks

Jul 18, 2019

U.S. and Chinese officials will hold a telephone call later on Thursday that could pave the way for further in-person trade talks, U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told CNBC.Mnuchin, speaking from the G7 meeting in Chantilly, France, said he and U…

U.S. Wants 'Reasonable' Trade Deal with China

Jun 26, 2019

The United States 'is not looking for victory' with China over trade but wants 'a sensible deal that addresses the legitimate issues that we have,' U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said on Wednesday.'There are some inappropriate activities underway by the Chinese…

Teekay LNG taps Start Up for Fleet Optimization

Mar 28, 2019

Teekay LNG Partners L.P. signed a full fleet partnership with the New York-based startup, Nautilus Labs, to enhance the efficiency of its gas vessels. Nautilus Labs’ platform is designed to unify fleet data and leverages machine learning to optimize vessel performance…

Trump: China Trade Deal to Probably Happen

Mar 22, 2019

U.S. President Donald Trump said trade negotiations with China were progressing and a final agreement 'will probably happen,' adding that his call for tariffs to remain on Chinese imported goods for some time did not mean talks were in trouble…

Current News

GAC to Acquire Quadrant Pacific’s Ship Agency Business

US East Coast Port Union Strike Threat to Test Shippers' Nerves

Brazil's Container Port Operator Seeks to Avert 'Congestion' Surcharge

Xeneta: US Importers Caught in a Vicious Circle

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