MacGregor Wins Orders from Europe

November 29, 2019

MacGregor, the provider of maritime cargo and load handling services, has secured orders to provide MacGregor equipment to a European port development project and TTS products to a naval project.

The orders has a total value of approximately EUR 8 million, said the Cargotec group company.

The orders were booked into Cargotec's fourth quarter 2019 order intake, with deliveries planned to commence during the fourth quarter of 2020 and completed during the first quarter of 2022.

A TTS technical solution is being applied to the port development project, and MacGregor’s strong position and references leveraged in the naval project.

‘’This is an excellent example of the combined strength of MacGregor and TTS, with an enhanced ability to offer customer specific solutions through our collective expertise and broader portfolio of products and services,’’ says Magnus Sjöberg, Senior Vice President, Merchant Solutions Division, MacGregor.

MacGregor has a a strong portfolio of MacGregor, Hatlapa, NMF, Porsgrunn, Pusnes, Rapp, Triplex and TTS products, services and solutions, all designed to perform with the sea.

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